Prime Health & Fitness Magazine
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Fall 1996
As one of the newer magazines for men over 35, the Fall issue has many interesting articles, including an workout with Sinjin Smith, one of the best beach volletball players ever. Also, kickboxing, and tennis articles, and what its like to be suddenly single again.
The model on the cover is Cameron Perry.
Prime Health & Fitness magazine is dedicated to the confident, active man over 35. It covers advice on all areas, including health, nutrition, mental fitness and sexuality, to graying hair, job stress, marriage, divorce and parenting. It is geared to the man who has no intentions of slowing down as he matures.
Table of Contents - Fall 1996 issue
- Return to Power: Olympian and volleyball great Sinjin Smith in a dumbbell workout you'll dig.
- Suddenly Single: What's it like to be dating again in your 40s? Four guys give their blow by blow accounts.
- New Gain: Tennis scores big as a workout. We serve up exercises designed to get you back in the game.
- An Ounce of Prevention: Prehabilitation, a scientific workout program that prevents injury and keeps you at the peak of your form.
- Eating to Heal: Go way beyond chicken soup. Food can be your best medicine.
- Enter the Fragon: Kickboxing's combination of power and flexibility may make this the aerobic workout of your life.
- To Sleep, Penchance to Dream: Stop tossing and turning. A good night's sleep doesn't have to be the impossible dream.
- R&D: Cyber health, sex muscle, the best in weight benches and more news you need.
- Anti-Aging News: The latest scientific research to keep you living longer and stronger.
- 10 Minute Workout: Most guys want better arms. Here's how to get them, fast.
- Shifting Gears: Move over, Indiana Jones. David Smith takes risk taking to the limit.
- Longevity: Get the picture on how exercise can change the way you age.
- Supplements: Why is there so much confusion over beta-carotene?
- Parenting: What do to when they ask 'Daddy, have you ever smoked pot?'
- Health: Make no bones about it: Osteoarthritis can be controlled.
- Eating Right: Update the barbecue with nutrition alternatives.
- Grooming: Safe fun in the sun, a $100 valet and some simple skin care.
- Essay: Don't believe the label - age is what you make it.
- Warrior: Life in the fast lane with 49 year old Emerson Fittapaldi
- Diet: A leading nutritionist tells you how to make the most of weight loss supplements
- Primary: Weighing in on history.