- Pacing Performance
Are you training at the right pace for you?
- Stick With It
For best results, you must learn the difference between inspiration and dedication.
- Glorious Glutes
You asked for it - are you ready?
- Perpetual Proportions
A training regimen guaranteeing continual gains? Read on.
- Alternative Proteins
Check out these 12 proteins you should try.
- Young Athletes
You might be strong, but what kind of strong are you? Yes, there are different kinds.
- You Are 'How' You Eat
Harold and Doc's adventures in Foodland.
- Prohormone's Triumphant Return
The combeack of the new millennium
- Rest - A Scientific Approach
Your guide to appropriate rest periods between sets.
- Mat Duvall's Super 7 Arm Routine
Think you can match arms with this guy? Try his routine and see.
- Build the Body You Want in 20 Minutes
Are we full of it? No, it's true! We'll show you how.
- Perfect Proportions
How to train for symmetry and balance
- Countdown
Precontest training with Dexter Jackson.
- Training Your Visual Center
We've got an ab strategy that will get you all kinds of the right attention.
- Success Stories: Grow Wide!
Tips for lat isolation and stimulation to reach width you never dreamed possible!
- How Strong Are You?
It's time for the big one - the squat. Find out what the pros are pushing, and see how you compare.
- Star Profile
Check out Battledome's The Commander Christian Boeving in this month's Star Profile. We trace his meteoric rise to fame, not unlike that of a young Austrian boy we all know and love.
- The Reg Park Portrait
Memories of a giant in the sport of bodybuilding.
- Arnold Hotline
With Dom Mochrie
- Ask Bob
With Robert Kennedy
- Ask the Doctor
With Dr. Nick Evans
- Beef it
Ultimate Muscle
- Bodybuilding Basics
With Eric Blais
- Canadian Corner
With Garry Bartlett
- Classified Advertising
Products and Services
- First Rep
Guest Editorial
- Growth Through Science
With Douglas S. Kalman
- Hardcore Training Journal
With Eric Blais
- Intake Update
With Bill Brink
- Last Rep
Ultimate Pump
- Muscle Beach
Hot Gossip with Lori Grannis
- Muscle Buzz
News, Views and Gossip
- Muscle Mail
A Reader's Forum
- Muscle News
With Robert Kennedy
- Musclemag Quiz
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- Musclemag's Pro Rankings
Latest Update
- New Faces
Stats of the Future
- On Matters of Sex
With John Eagan
- Parrillo Maxx
With John Parrillo
- Pro Training
With Charles Glass
- Sets & Reps
With Frank Sepe
- Super Bodz
With Larry McCusker
- Top Bodz
Muscle At It's Best
- Uncensored!
Hardcore Q&A
- Up Next
Next month.
- What If?
With Larry McCusker
- What's On
When, Where and Who
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