- Musclemag's 2001 - a Swimsuit Odyssey
Ring in the new year with the most toned, sexy bevy of beauties you have yet to meet.
- Training Chat
We pick Bob Kennedy's brain on all things bodybuilding, and put his knowledge to the test.
- How strong are you?
A new monthly series where we dare you to put the iron where your mouth is and step up to bat against the pros - this month features the dumbbell press.
- Massive Weight Gain
Before you dish out all your hard earned clams on weight gain powders, there is something important you should know.
- The Intensity Factor
Are your workouts a little flat? Here is how to kick up the intensity up a notch!
- I was an Eight Pound Nine Ounce Weakling
Musclemag calls in the cavalry to help all hardgainers.
- Entering Your First Contest
So you think you are ready for the bright lights and posing trucks? Not until you have check out this article, you are not!
- Bodybuilding without Basics
No squats, no benches or curls - crazy> Maybe. Useless? Not so!
- Debunking Training Myths
Hearsay, and socalled 'top tips' can end your training forever, so listen up and we will show you the light.
- From Deathbed to Champion of Life
For John O'Meara, there literally was no alternative to bodybuilding
- Barn Door Shoulders
Need a good excuse to install double doors in your house? Check out these sure fire delt builders!
- The Uncanny X-Frame
Superheroes have one thing in common - they all possess the exclusive X-frame, and so can you.
- Training the Mature Athlete
We just might know where you can find the fountain of youth!
- Shot in the Arm
If big arms are what you crave, we have got the secret to your success.
- Success Series - Fingers!
How buddying up leads to huge gains without injury.
- Star Profile
This month, we feature Serge Nubret, the Black Panther. Lithe, graceful and packed to the gills with pound after pound of aesthetically perfect muscle, Serge represents the purity of the true bodybuilding pursuit.
- The Big 'O'
Our 'tell it like it is' contest report from outrageous Las Vegas!
- Extreme Excitement
Las Vegas was the place to be for the 2000 Mr. O and all that extra jazz.
- Arnold Hotline
With Dom Mochrie
- Ask Bob
With Robert Kennedy
- Ask the Doctor
With Dr. Nick Evans
- Beef it
Ultimate Muscle
- Bodybuilding Basics
With Eric Blais
- Canadian Corner
With Garry Bartlett
- Classified Advertising
Products and Services
- First Rep
Guest Editorial
- Growth Through Science
With Douglas S. Kalman
- Hardcore Training Journal
With Eric Blais
- Intake Update
With Bill Brink
- Last Rep
Ultimate Pump
- Muscle Beach
Hot Gossip with Lori Grannis
- Muscle Buzz
News, Views and Gossip
- Muscle Mail
A Reader's Forum
- Muscle News
With Robert Kennedy
- Musclemag Quiz
Win a Free Subscription
- Musclemag's Pro Rankings
Latest Update
- New Faces
Stats of the Future
- On Matters of Sex
With John Eagan
- Parrillo Maxx
With John Parrillo
- Pro Training
With Charles Glass
- Sets & Reps
With Frank Sepe
- Super Bodz
With Larry McCusker
- Top Bodz
Muscle At It's Best
- Uncensored!
Hardcore Q&A
- Up Next
Next month.
- What If?
With Larry McCusker
- What's On
When, Where and Who
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