Muscular Development Fitness Health Magazine
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October 1996
The October 1996 issue includes these sections; Training, Health & Fitness, Nutrition, Drugs, Research, Features, and Entertainment. featured articles include the ACSM 96 annual meeting, an interview with Ursula Sarcev, the basics of Anabolic steroids, and Ron Coleman's Total Body Workout, among many more.The fitness competitor on the cover is Ursula Sarcev.
Muscular Development, by Twinlab, is another serious bodybuilder magazine, but also covers fitness and health related items. They pride themselves on giving its readers extensive coverage on the cutting edge of training, diet and nutrition articles. It also has great pictures of bodybuilders, and makes for enjoyable reading.
October 1996 Table of Contents
- Sex Survey: What Drives Women Wild? Carol Ann knows, and the answers may surprise you!
- 1996 Night of Champions: Pinnacle or Debacle? This is, flat out, the finest contest coverage ever written.
- The Science of Bodybuilding ACSM '96: When the American College of Sports Medicine holds its annual meeting, it's big news for bodybuilders.
- Steroid Hormone Anthology Part V: Should Anabolic Steroids be legalized for Sports use under a physician's care>
- Ursula Sarcev - Doing it on my own: A refreshing honest interview about how fitness judging is leading women down the chemical path; life after Milos; and what is really means to be a fitness competitor.
- Twinlab Creatine Fuel: New University study proves it works!
- Hot Breaking Research: Phenomenal Factoids about Fitness, Health, Nutrition
- Fat News: Dexfenfluramine and Sibutramine
- Strength & Conditioning: Keeping up with the latest findings from Laboratories all over the world.
- Ask the Experts: Top of the Line Training Tips
- High Intensity: Escape from a Blind Alley: Static Negative Training
- Ron Coleman: The Lawman's Total Body Workout: The runner up at the Night of Champions, and one of the best bodies in the sport today, shares his training tips with you
- Natural Bodybuilding Stars: Our blue ribbon natural panel discusses Twinlab's ban on untested bodybuilding shows.
- Heavy Duty: What - bodybuilding not a science?
- Labrada's Corner: Q&A with the Gentleman who knows all the answers.
- Art Dilkes: Muscles that Dance: The 1995 Canadian champion is a dancer turned bodybuilder. Check out his bodypart training breakdown.
- Kinesiology: T-Bar rowing: Basis of back growth
- Darrem Charles: Caribbean Crusader: This valiant champion defied the odds with his super powered training.
Health & Fitness
- Best of Health: The truth about bodyfat, part one.
- Cardio Q&A: Low vs. High Intensity... Overtraining... Rubberized Sweatsuits... Warming Up...
- Eat to Win: Pro Bodybuilders reveal their dieting secrets
- Nutrition and Fat Loss Q&A: Hows your diet? Here's a 40 question rating scale to find out fast
- Nutrition Update: Nutrition: Virtually unexplored
- Ursula Sarcev: a savvy observer's take on the relatively new problem of drugs and fitness women, in an interview with her.
- Anabolic Steroids: The Basic: What the steroid black market is really all about?
- State of the Art: Anabolics and Kidney Cancer, Clominphene Primobolan, Weight Loss Gum
- Drugs in Sports Q&A: Legitimate Doping
- Muscle Mail: Hot Topic #1: Stop the Drugs!
- On the Web: The Mistress of the Web dishes on everything you need to know on Sexuality, Fitness and Health
- Rising Stars: Derek Whitsett: Joining the Pro ranks in no joke
- Romano's Rage Page: It's time to tell a few people off!
- Classifieds
- California Muscle News: The West Coast ... where Bodybuilding was Born!
- Max Rep: What Quadra needs is a good vacation. Whether she gets it or not is another story.